Free Ticra Champ 3D download on Windows PC. It is a powerful program program and designing the general passive multiport of wavelets components as well as components and complex. Its comprehensive functions will strengthen engineers and researchers to calculate parameters, coexisting reflections and radiation patterns for variability components.

Review Ticra Champ 3D

This is versatile for engineers working on working on Vaveguides and power chains. His rich in functions platform includes:

Calculation of scattering parameters metal and dielectric elements of Vavuguide. This ability is necessary to understand behavior and performance by components with components in complex systems.

Put reflection and radiation coefficients.

The software allows you to determine the reflection coefficients and scattering parameters for rotating Syttrira and any shape. In addition, he can accurately calculate the Paoutterns radiation, manage the insights of the gray amioneration of electromagnetic energy. The re -calculation of the assembly

uses a generalized scattering matrix (GSM) to re -calculate Wavguide’s asses. This approach decomplex consists of unless components, enabling quick calculation of performance indicators.

The choice of the Aproporiat

are intelligently softly soft in a month of appropriate solution for each component, from analytical expressions and a line of modes such as BOR-MOM and 3D Mama. This ensures thorough analysis and optimization adapted until the configuration of the Corrugatedhorns geometry, corners from the walls and rotary synols, double and focal reflections -friendly reflector -friendly editor 2D. This justifies projects, increasing production and accuracy.

Direct optimization and intentional seats Objectives regarding scattering parameters and primary and secondary radiation patterns. This ability component projects that meet the preformation criteria.

System requirements:


    Operating system: Windows 7/8/10/11
  • processor: Intel Core i5 or equivalent memory: 8 GB or more storage: 500 m
  • Graphics: Graphics card is open with open


    Ticra 3D The necessary tool for engineers and researchers include the analysis and design of Vavegude components. Its diverse features, as well as scaltering Sanmiedion, Reflection Coefly Analysis and Computation Diagram Remage Empire to understand. better. Easy software integration with this program in the TICRA TOOLS suit additionally improves utilty.

    TICRA CHAMP 3D (2025)

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